The highly anticipated film Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani has finally hit the silver screen, leaving audiences in a state of awe and exhilaration. The film, starring the dynamic duo of Ranveer Singh and Alia Bhatt, has already been the talk of the town for weeks leading up to its release, but it was the inclusion of beloved starlets Varun Dhawan, Sara Ali Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, and Ananya Panday, that took the excitement to new heights. Sara Ali Khan, Janhvi Kapoor, and Ananya Panday were the subject of eager anticipation as fans eagerly awaited their much-hyped cameo appearances in the film. While Ranveer and Alia’s presence alone was enough to spark enthusiasm, it was the surprise addition of these three stars that truly leveled up the excitement. In an electrifying and captivating intro song ‘ Heartthrob ‘ featuring Ranveer Singh, Sara Ali Khan unquestionably stole the spotlight with her radiant energy and magnetic charisma. The actress seemed to be on an unstoppable high, and he...