Actress Urvashi Rautela has once again taken the spotlight with her latest achievement. The news of her lavish new house has sent shockwaves through the industry. The actress has recently made headlines for acquiring an opulent bungalow situated in close proximity to the iconic residence of the late filmmaker Yash Chopra. The sheer grandeur and extravagance of the property are truly remarkable, with an estimated value of a staggering Rs 190 crore. Nestled in the heart of Mumbai, this magnificent mansion spans across four sprawling levels, providing Urvashi with an abundance of space and luxurious living. According to reports, Urvashi Rautela’s newly acquired house is truly a haven of luxury and extravagance. One of the standout features of the bungalow is its lavish garden. In addition to this, Urvashi’s house boasts a personal gym. Moving inside, the interiors of the bungalow are nothing short of stunning, impeccable design, luxurious furnishings, and tasteful decor combine to creat...